The Acro-Cats Performed On Stephen Colbert Last Night And They Didnt Give One Single Fuck

What kinda half ass operation is this nonsense? Had to be the sloppiest circus cat performance I’ve ever seen. I’m not even talking about the cats. I’d stay in my cage too if I was working with these amateurs. Like what in the world did this chick bring to the table?

Nothing. Thats what. And dont get me started on the ring leader

Absolutely zero accountability for the Acro-cats. Asking the audience for applause for cats that didnt do a goddam thing. Just handing out Participation Trophies to all the cats that just get wheeled out on to Stephen Colbert’s stage. You wanna applaud the cat that clawed up that pole? Go for it. That cat earned it. But that lazy piece of shit who didnt even get on the skateboard? Fuck outta here. You’re not getting applause for that, cat.

Garbage performance all around. From the humans to the felines, the Acro-cats should be embarrassed. Nobody is adopting these lazy, anti social fucks. And they have nobody to blame but the humans.



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